love is a duty  

Posted by Zimmerman Stein

"to grow spiritually a man must learn to overcome his emotional blocks. guilt is an experience of the lower level of life - the earth level. as a man rises, this garbage falls from him and becomes the fertilizer which feeds the seed within - the consciousness he seeks. the beautiful lotus rests upon the water: the roots are sunk in the scum and slime at the bottom of the lake. as a man grows and surrenders completely, his lower self falls away to the bottom of the lake and feeds the roots of his consciousness.
another spiritual block is the combination of self-pity and fear which is just a manifestation of resistance to working deeper. external matters are important only insofar as they are a means for encompassing that end.

as the consciousness within a man grows, he must be aware of the life and death cycle that accompanies moving from level to level. as you move up, you grow and shed the dead part, much as a healthy flower or plant sheds its dead leaves and forms new ones.
once a man has begun the process of spiritual growth, it should be a continuous flow within him. it is his duty to keep this mechanism free so the process can continue. anything which stops this is to be surrendered. speaking the surrender is a step in developing a spiritual mechanism." - Rudi

This entry was posted on Sunday, September 20, 2009 at Sunday, September 20, 2009 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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