taking things personally is the opposite of unconditional love.
i want to be loved unconditionally.
acceptance is non-attachment.
letting go means letting go of all attachment - not just letting go of hurt and anger and negatives, but also positives like hope and desire and passion and love itself.
unconditional love is exactly how i would like to be treated.
taking responsibility means anytime that i judge, every time! that i judge, i take responsibility for it.
don't ask others to clean up their act or be better friends. and if i do, then take responsibility. watch for this when feeling hurt or angry or judgmental.
i can ask for time to express my feelings or i can even ask to express my judgments. but expecting it as a right, demanding it, is blame (guilt turned outward against the people that i love).
all expectation is a form of attachment.
all taking things personally, all getting hurt is a form of attachment.
all right and wrong (judgment) is a form of attachment.
there is no love in attachment.
non-violence is complete surrender and total acceptance.